President Trump reinstates ban on taxpayer funding for abortions overseas

Trump Admin. advances pro-life policies ahead of the March for Life


DATE: Monday, January 23, 2017     PHONE: 614-547-0099 ext. 304

COLUMBUS, Ohio–Today, one day after the 44th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, President Donald Trump signed an executive order banning taxpayer funding for abortions overseas. What is known as the “Mexico City Policy” was originally established by President Ronald Reagan in 1984. President Obama infamously rescinded the policy when he took office in 2009. The reinstatement of the Mexico City Policy could affect foreign pro-abortion groups like the International Planned Parenthood Federation, which operates in 180 countries.

“After eight years of Barack Obama’s pro-abortion policies, pro-life Americans are relieved to finally see their taxpayer dollars being safeguarded again,” said Mike Gonidakis, president of Ohio Right to Life. “This is a momentous order by our new President, and telling that he would time it with the tragic anniversary of Roe. Ohio Right to Life applauds President Trump for making de-funding the abortion industry one of his first orders of business.”

The reinstatement of the pro-life policy comes just days before hundreds of thousands of pro-life people are expected to attend the annual March for Life in Washington D.C. on Friday.

“One of the main reasons that so many voters flocked to President Trump during the election was because of the promises he made to the pro-life community,” said Gonidakis. “Elections have consequences, and we are so grateful that so early in Mr. Trump’s presidency, those consequences are life-affirming. With great anticipation, we look forward to the many more pro-life policies to come in 2017.”

Founded in 1967, Ohio Right to Life, with more than 45 chapters and local affiliates, is Ohio’s oldest and largest grassroots pro-life organization. Recognized as the flagship of the pro-life movement in Ohio, ORTL works through legislation and education to promote and defend innocent human life from conception to natural death. 



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