Pro-Life Legislation Moves Forward

Senate committee advances legislation to protect parental rights

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                     CONTACT: Rachel Schlater
DATE: Wednesday, June 22, 2011                                             PHONE: (614) 547-0099
(COLUMBUS, OH) – Ohio Right to Life’s H.B. 63, the Judicial Bypass legislation, was overwhelmingly voted out of the Senate Judiciary and Civil Justice Committee today by a 6 to 3 vote, defeating attempts at pro-abortion amendments along the way. This pro-life legislation will protect minors and their unborn children by strengthening parental involvement and consent laws. 
“We thank the pro-life members of the Senate committee and the leadership of the Ohio Senate who continue to advance life-saving policies,” said Mike Gonidakis, Executive Director of Ohio Right to Life. “H.B. 63 strengthens parents’ ability to care for their children and prevents lawyers and others from taking mom and dad’s place when the child needs them most.”
Current Ohio law states that parental consent is required before a minor can obtain an abortion, but a loophole exists which allows judges to bypass parental involvement and allow a minor to obtain an abortion.  H.B. 63 puts an end to this “rubber-stamp” judicial approval. 
On behalf of all pro-life Ohioans, we would like to thank Chairman Mark Wagoner (R – Toledo) and the the committee members for their support and leadership in passing this pro-life legislation. Please contact the following Senators to thank them for their support:
Chairman Mark Wagoner – (614) 466-8060
Senator Scott Oelslager – (614) 466-0626
Senator Larry Obhof – (614) 466-7505
Senator Keith Faber – (614) 466-7584
Senator Bill Seitz – (614) 466-8068
Senator Karen Gillmor – (614) 466-8049
Even while the bill is progressing with momentum, ORTL encourages all members to continue to urge our elected officials to stand with Ohio and support this life-saving legislation. To find your office holder, click HERE.


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