Pro-Life Sentiment Grows as U.S. Marks 40 Years of Roe v. Wade

Headlines and polls reflect pro-life gains

(COLUMBUS) – The front page of the Sunday morning edition of The Columbus Dispatch read, “‘Pro-life’ position gaining support,” reflecting a large and growing shift in public opinion towards favoring the sentiments of the pro-life movement (to read the entire article CLICK HERE).

The latest Gallup poll showed that by 2012, the “pro-life” label was preferred by 9 points, 50 percent to 41 percent – a record low for the “pro-choice” group.  On the brink of the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, these poll results tell us that our country is only moving farther away from the horrendous practices ushered in by this milestone legislation. 

On reasons for the shift against abortion rights, in addition to an improving and attractive pro-life brand favored by increasingly younger people and college graduates, Ohio Right to Life President Mike Gonidakis says the shift is a result of greater education and awareness and is quoted, saying,

“Because of the passage of strong ‘pro-life’ laws and an increase in other social services, women today identify more opportunities to access prenatal care, financial assistance and a safety net in order to have a healthy child,” he said. “In Ohio, there are over 145 pregnancy centers that offer care to pregnant women as well as formula, diapers and clothing once the child is born.”

Gonidakis also highlights the widespread acceptance of adoption and the role of advancing medical technologies such as 4-D ultrasounds that offer a glimpse inside the mother’s womb to see the developing child. 

All pro-life Ohioans should be greatly encouraged by these advancements and gains in our movement.  Ohio Right to Life is proud to serve the great state of Ohio and will continue to work tirelessly to promote and protect the lives of the unborn.

Click here to read the PDF of the article as published by The Columbus Dispatch.


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