This Week’s Pro-Life Update!

In the midst of these uncertain times, the fight for life persists! We at Ohio Right to Life have been hard at work, tirelessly advocating for the protection of the most vulnerable in our society. Check out this week’s Pro-Life Update! 

New Podcast Episode with Students for Life! 

Today, Ohio Right to Life released a new episode of The Pro-Life Ohio Podcast! 

In this latest episode of The Pro-Life Ohio Podcast, our Director of Communication Allie Frazier talks with Jordan Moorman, Students for Life’s Appalachian Regional Coordinator about how Students for Life is equipping and empowering students across Ohio to advocate for life on their campuses! 

To listen to the newest episode of The Pro-Life Ohio Podcast, click here!

To catch up on previous episodes of The Pro-Life Ohio Podcast, click here!

Massachusetts Legislature Passes Radical “R.O.E. Act” Amendment    

This week, Massachusetts state lawmakers approved an extreme pro-abortion amendment that expands late-term abortion and removes parental consent protections for minors. Using the lame duck session as cover for their radical abortion agenda, Democratic legislators have pushed through Amendment 180 as an added item in Massachusetts’ budget bill, passing it through both the state house and senate. Sometimes referred to as The R.O.E. Act, Amendment 180 is similar to the recent abortion laws enacted in New York and Illinois, and would be similarly disastrous for women and children if it is signed into law.

Parental consent laws are vital safeguards against abortion that help protect minors from abusers who seek to hide their abuse by forcing their victims to obtain abortions. Additionally, despite what the pro-abortion movement would have us believe, statistics have shown that legalized late term abortion is vastly unpopular, with 66% of those who identify as pro-choice stating that they are opposed to abortions that occur in the third trimester. 

Please pray for Massachusetts Citizens for Life as they continue to push back against this gruesome legislation and fight for life in New England. If you would like more information on how to help stop The R.O.E. Act, click here.

3 Easy Ways to Support LIFE! 

It’s been a challenging year for everyone, but regardless of the curveballs 2020 has thrown, Ohio Right to Life has continued to work tirelessly to defend the unborn! As the year comes to a close, we would be honored if you would consider continuing to partner with us in our mission to protect the unborn. 

Here are 3 easy ways to support Ohio Right to Life: 

Kroger Community Rewards: Select “Ohio Right to Life Educational” as your designated charity on your digital Kroger Plus account and Kroger will donate to Ohio Right as you shop!  To learn more, click here. 

Amazon Smile: Select “Ohio Right to Life Educational Fund” as your designated charity on Amazon Smile and Amazon will donate to Ohio Right to Life as you shop! To learn more, click here. 

Ohio Right to Life’s Website: To make the biggest impact, you can give directly to ORTL through our easy-to-navigate website. To learn more, click here.

Thank you for supporting our life-saving work. YOU make it possible!



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