Pro-life Updates from DC

Last week garnered both setbacks and gains for the prolife movement in Washington, D.C. First and foremost, we have to express our gratitude toward Senator Rob Portman, Congressman Jim Jordan, and their staffs, for the tremendous hospitality that they showed to Ohio marchers during such an eventful week. While we are disappointed at the fallout over the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, we want to update you on some positive prolife activity in our nation’s capital.

march_for_life_2015_-_with_portman.pngThe first is Senator Rob Portman’s Child Custody Protection Act, legislation which would make it a federal offense to transport a minor across a state line for an abortion if it would circumvent a state law requiring parental involvement in that minor’s abortion. This bill will protect our children from the predatory practices of the abortion industry.

The second is the House’s passage of H.R. 7, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2015. The legislation codifies a permanent, government-wide policy against taxpayer subsidies for abortion and abortion coverage. 

Photos.jpgAdditionally, Ohio Right to Life and our affiliates made a strong showing at this year’s March, telling everyone from Planned Parenthood to the Supreme Court that we will not stand for another 40 years of abortion-on-demand. 

Thank you to all of our friends who joined us for our packed March for Life reception with Senator Portman and Congressman Jordan! Surely, one of the most touching moments was when Senator Portman talked about meeting a small boy named Mason who was saved from abortion in OhioWhat a beautiful reminder of why we were there in D.C.

Please take a moment to check out our pictures from the March for Life and consider sending us some of your own. Email them to Katie at [email protected]. We would love to see them!


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