Quinnipiac Poll Proves Planned Parenthood and FitzGerald Are Out of Touch

75 Percent of Ohioans Disagree with Ed FitzGerald on Abortion

COLUMBUS, Ohio–Today, Quinnipiac University released a poll demonstrating that 75 percent of all Ohioans want abortion to be restricted in some, most, or all cases. Only 19 percent of Ohioans want abortion legal in all cases. This poll sheds light on the current gubernatorial race where the Planned Parenthood-supported Democratic candidate, Ed Fitzgerald, holds the view of only 19 percent of all Ohioans who want unrestricted abortions.

“Considering that abortion-on-demand is the primary focus of the Fitzgerald gubernatorial campaign, this recent poll only goes to show that Fitzgerald is out of touch with Ohioans and where they stand on the abortion issue,” said President of Ohio Right to Life, Mike Gonidakis. “Ed Fitzgerald identifies as ‘100% pro-choice,’ which would include abortions through the ninth month of pregnancy. But three in four Ohioans reject that extreme position. They have their limits, where FitzGerald does not.”


Last summer, FitzGerald made abortion one of his platforms when pro-life Governor John Kasich signed legislation that protects the conscience rights of taxpayers and holds abortion clinics accountable to health and safety standards. His campaign re-focused the election on the abortion issue when he chose Sharen Neuhardt as his running mate. Neuhardt served on the board of Planned Parenthood and is known as an “abortion-rights activist.” 

“Our common sense pro-life legislation strategy has positively impacted Ohio. This poll appears to demonstrate that, minimally, Ohioans would prefer to see abortion restricted. That is what our legislation has done, and that is what FitzGerald opposes–the bare minimum,” continued Gonidakis. “Ohio remains an overwhelmingly pro-life state. We are confident that the outcome of this gubernatorial race will reflect the outcome of this poll.”

To view the latest Quinnipiac Poll, click here. 

Founded in 1967, Ohio Right to Life, with more than 45 local chapters, is Ohio’s oldest and largest grassroots pro-life organization. Recognized as the flagship of the pro-life movement in Ohio, ORTL works through legislation and education to promote and defend innocent human life from conception to natural death. 


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