Senate Finance Committee Hears Pro-life Testimonies

Last Friday

Last Friday Ohio Right Life, its chapter leaders and pro-life advocates testified before state lawmakers in opposition to Planned Parenthood, supporting higher standards for abortion clinics as well as advocating for new funding to our pro-life pregnancy centers.

Pregnancy Help Centers are strategic tools to help pregnant women in need. In advocating for these centers, these testimonies defended their mission by which poor, hardworking Ohio women sustain their lives and the lives of their babies. 

Despite the lies spewed by Planned Parenthood throughout the hearing, pro-lifers maintained their integrity in their advocacy. The following are some of the most powerful statements made in the pro-life testimonies: 

“While we may have differences on our stance on abortion itself, I think we can all agree, that women’s health is of utmost importance and any facility providing ‘women’s health care’ should do just that, ‘ provide the best care for women’.”

– Nino Vitale, Champaign County pro-life advocate 

As a medical professional, as a concerned citizen, as a worried mother, and as a person who haswitnessed first-hand the brutality of abortion, and the lies spread by Planned Parenthood to promote abortion, I urge you to pass this legislation to defund them. I might also add that I am serious enough and bothered enough by what I have seen in my career, that I have made life changes to fight this battle for truth and equality.” 

-Sarah Cleveland, RDMS, Director of Abolitionist Outreach, Midwest

“The truth is, abortion takes lives not just from the mother and the baby, but the whole community. By redistributing funds to centers that serve and give life and by creating a funding stream to centers that saves lives instead of funneling money to pro-abortion centers, we are ensuring that all Ohioans are healthy and all Ohioans, even the unborn, have the chance to be alive and healthy and beautiful.” 

– Kayla Smith, Ohio Right to Life, Director of Legislative Affairs 

I could not be more proud of our powerful advocacy for the life-blood of Ohio’s Pregnancy Help Centers and against America’s multi-billion dollar abortion giant, Planned Parenthood. 

Ohio Right to Life’s number one priority is to defend life and a critical step in achieving that is to oppose Planned Parenthood.  It is an outrage that the leading advocate for killing unborn babies would receive even a dime of our tax dollars.

With these amendments, Ohio’s pro-life lawmakers have the opportunity now to begin the process of saving future babies’ lives. They have the opportunity to ensure that the law honors the inherent dignity of every human person.

As substitute H.B. 59 budget hearings come to an end and as we anticipated a Senate vote soon, I ask for your faithful prayers and support as we continue to work tirelessly to save innocent life.

Until All Life is Valued and Protected,

Mike Gonidakis 



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