
This Thanksgiving, thankfulness may be the furthest thing from your mind. Whether facing separation from loved ones or the harsh realities of making ends meet, we know so many are hurting this Thanksgiving. But even as we face together this time of unquestionable challenge and heartbreak, at Ohio Right to Life, there is still so much we are thankful for. 

  • For every mother who, when faced with an unplanned pregnancy, chooses hope over fear and saves the life of her precious child. 


  • For the Pregnancy Centers who have never ceased to meet the needs of our communities, even as the pandemic stretched their time and resources to the limit. 


  • For the Ohio voters who voted their values this November and elected strong pro-life leaders to serve our state and protect the most vulnerable. 


  • For the countless families across Ohio, who even if separated physically this year, will never have to experience the profound separation of abortion- because of Pro-Life Ohio’s tireless advocacy for LIFE. 

Your support of life matters. YOU are saving lives. Ohio’s abortion numbers are at record lows.  For the first time since Roe v. Wade, we have a pro-life majority on the United States Supreme Court. Together, we are building a culture of life. 

It is an honor to fight alongside you to defend life. The work we do may never be easy, but it is always worth it. Together, we are ending abortion. 

It is for that and for you that we are so abundantly thankful.

For Life,

Allie Frazier
Director of Communications 


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