The Dignity of Fatherhood

Today, families come together and celebrate one of the most important roles a man can play: father. As Billy Graham once said, “A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society.” 

6-19-16_fatherhood.jpgHere at Ohio Right to Life, we couldn’t agree more. 

Fathers are the backbone of the family. A father’s presence in the life of his child is crucial and a man’s presence in the decision to choose life is invaluable. As part of our mission to create a community of life, we want to lift up the men who embrace the role of father. We want to lift up the fatherly roles of protector and provider–roles that our culture has been all too quick to take away from men.

Protecting the dignity of human life necessarily entails protecting the dignity of fatherhood. Across the span of a child’s life, the role of the father remains fundamental, a foundation for how we lead and how we live.

As our fathers and grandfathers age, let us also remember, protect and honor their dignity, embracing constant renewal in our understanding of what it means to be a parent and what it means to be a child well into adulthood.

At Ohio Right to Life, we strive to model the love and support that men have for their children, and their protective instincts when it comes to fighting against society’s broken culture of death. We will keep fighting for these ideals, and celebrating fathers for their critical role in the great task of loving and raising children.

This Father’s Day, we thank you for all that you do to love, support and protect families. We’re grateful to partner with you in this fight. We hope that every father feels valued today and every day. 

Happy Father’s Day to you and yours!


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