This Week’s Pro-Life Update!

In the midst of these challenging times, the fight for life persists! As the battle for life continues, we at Ohio Right to Life have been hard at work, tirelessly advocating for the protection of the most vulnerable in our society. Check out this week’s Pro-Life Update!  

Google Blocks Ads Promoting Live-Saving Abortion Pill Reversal 

On Monday, Google “disapproved” a host of ads from the national pro-life organization Live Action in an unprecedented attack against pro-life speech. Included in these blocked ads were those containing information about Abortion Pill Reversal (APR), a proven medical process that has saved over 2,500 babies from chemical abortions. 

The APR process consists of administering progesterone treatments after a woman has taken the first abortion pill and has a nearly 70% success rate. Progesterone, which is a safe and naturally occurring hormone that helps a woman maintain a pregnancy, has been used for decades to prevent miscarriages. Since the APR was first pioneered by pro-life doctors, it has preserved the lives of thousands of babies and saved countless women from a lifetime of regret. 

Google’s choice to block information about APR from vulnerable women reveals the pro-abortion movement’s dark secret: they will do whatever it takes, including hiding potentially life-saving information from women in crisis, to sell abortions. It’s never been about choice. It’s always been about abortion.

If you have social media, please take a moment to share APR content on your feeds. Google may be able to block Live Action’s ads, but they can’t censor all of us. Click here to get APR content that you can share. You may save a life! 

If you’ve taken the first abortion pill and regret it, it may not be too late! Click here for more information about Abortion Pill Reversal.  

Funeral for Abortion Victim to be Held in Akron 

On Saturday, September 25th, Ohio Right to Life’s Akron-area affiliate, Right to Life of Northeast Ohio, along with Citizens for a Pro-Life Future will host a memorial service and funeral for Gianna John, a victim of abortion. Gianna’s body was found discarded in a dumpster behind Northeast Ohio Women’s Center, an abortion facility in Cuyahoga Falls. The baby is believed to have been 17 weeks old when he or she was killed by a dismemberment abortion and dumped into the trash. 

As Right to Life of Northeast Ohio, Ohio Right to Life, and Citizens for a Pro-Life Future continue to work with local, state, and federal agencies to secure justice for this child and hold the abortion industry accountable for this evil and dehumanizing act, we would invite anyone who is able to come and mourn this child’s loss with us. Like every victim of abortion, Gianna John’s death is a tragedy and our hearts are broken by what this innocent child suffered. As we commemorate this year’s National Day of Remembrance for victims of abortion, please join us in remembering the loss of all innocent babies to abortion by helping us lay to rest this one. 

Additional details for the event can be found by clicking here.

Ohio Right to Life Hits the Road in County Fair Tour 

This summer, Ohio Right to Life has had the pleasure of attending a host of county fairs  and lending a hand at the fair booths run by amazing ORTL affiliates across our great state! Our incredible chapters and affiliates are a vital voice for life and it is so encouraging to witness their work of promoting and protecting life in their communities! 

Thank you to all of our chapters and affiliates who are tireless in their advocacy for women and babies. You are saving lives! 

If you are an ORTL chapter or affiliate who would like our team to attend your fair booth this fall,  please reach out to Mary Parker at [email protected]

If you’d like to get connected with the life-saving work of your local ORTL chapter, click here! 

Founded in 1967, Ohio Right to Life, with more than 40 chapters and local affiliates, is Ohio’s oldest and largest grassroots pro-life organization. Recognized as the flagship of the pro-life movement in Ohio, ORTL works through legislation and education to promote and defend innocent human life from conception to natural death.



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