This Week’s Pro-Life Update!

In the midst of these uncertain times, the fight for life persists! We at Ohio Right to Life have been hard at work, tirelessly advocating for the protection of the most vulnerable in our society. Check out this week’s Pro-Life Update! 

Pro-Life U.S. Senator Rob Portman Introduces New Federal Judicial Nominees 

Last week pro-life Senator Rob Portman introduced three new judicial nominees for the U.S. District Court for the Southern and Northern Districts of Ohio. Judges Michael Newman, James Knepp, and Philip Calabrese were introduced by Senator Portman during their Senate Judiciary Committee nomination hearings last Wednesday. We are hopeful that all three will be confirmed soon.

As countless pro-life laws continue to make their way through all levels of our federal courts, it is critical that our judges support all human life. Thankfully nearly 200  of President Trump’s judicial nominees have been confirmed by the U.S. Senate. These new federal judges will make a positive impact regarding the protection of the unborn for generations to come. With that in mind it is imperative that we continue to vote our pro-life values and continue to build a legacy of life in our judicial system. 

To read Senator Portman’s official press release, click here. 

Students for Life Advocates Arrested for Chalking Pro-Life Message on Sidewalk 

On Saturday two Students for Life advocates were arrested by the D.C. police department after attempting to use washable sidewalk chalk to write “Black Pre-Born Lives Matter” on the sidewalk in front of the city’s largest Planned Parenthood facility. Erica Caporaletti and Warner DePriest were handcuffed before being taken to the police station for processing. Both have now been released. Students for Life had previously sought the Mayor of D.C.’s permission to use washable paint to write “Black Pre-Born Lives Matter” in front of Planned Parenthood but was denied and told that they would be arrested if they attempted to do so. Earlier last month, the Mayor personally green-lighted the usage of permanent paint to write “Black Lives Matter” on another of the city’s public streets. 

Ignoring the black lives which are tragically taken every day at Planned Parenthood’s D.C. facility and in similar abortion facilities across the nation perpetuates fatal discrimination. To deny that fact is to enable the abortion industry’s overt racism which in its consistent targeting of the black community has lead to a 25% decrease in America’s black population since 1973. Black women and families deserve better than the lies and deception pushed on them by Planned Parenthood. In order to bring about true equality in our nation it is imperative that we confront the deeply racist roots of abortion. 

To watch Students for Life’s video of the incident, click here. 

Last Day of the Online Baby Shower!

Today is the last day of Ohio Right to Life’s Online Baby Shower for Pathway to Hope Pregnancy Center! Pathway to Hope offers vulnerable women facing unplanned pregnancies the help and support they need through free pregnancy testing and ultrasounds, parenting classes, material support, and more! 

If you haven’t already been able to join in there is still time! Ohio Right to Life’s Online Baby Shower Initiative doesn’t end until midnight tonight. Many items are still needed, and every gift, no matter how small, can help save a life.

To check out Pathway to Hope’s Baby Registry, click here.

Founded in 1967, Ohio Right to Life, with more than 40 chapters and local affiliates, is Ohio’s oldest and largest grassroots pro-life organization. Recognized as the flagship of the pro-life movement in Ohio, ORTL works through legislation and education to promote and defend innocent human life from conception to natural death.



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