Tonight’s Vice-Presidential Debate

Tonight, Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Kamala Harris will face off on the debate stage. Although many questions will be asked, for Pro-Life Ohio one question is paramount. 

Where do VP Pence and Senator Harris stand on Life?

Kamala Harris has an alarming record on Life. While serving as California’s Attorney General Harris worked hand and glove with Planned Parenthood. When undercover journalist David Daleiden broke the story that Planned Parenthood illegally sold baby body parts then AG Harris raided Daleiden’s apartment and proceeded to sue him. 

As a U.S. Senator, Harris voted against the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. On the campaign trail Harris, along with her running mate Joe Biden, promised to strike down states’ pro-life protections and codify Roe v. Wade if elected.

For a deeper dive into Harris and Biden’s extreme stance on abortion check out our Life Blog post.

Pro-life VP Mike Pence has been a champion for life throughout his career of public service. While in Congress Pence actively opposed Planned Parenthood and spearheaded the effort to nationally defund the abortion giant. Later, as Governor of Indiana, Pence signed into law every pro-life protection the Indiana Legislature sent him, including a groundbreaking pro-life bill that protected unborn children from lethal discrimination.

Now as our Vice President, Mike Pence continues to advocate for Life at every turn. He is the first vice president to visit pro-life pregnancy centers and the first vice president to attend the March for Life.

The contrast between Harris and Pence couldn’t be more dramatic. At tonight’s debate two candidates with radically opposing views on the inherent value of every human person will lay out their vision for our country’s future.

To read the Ohio Right to Life Vice President Comparison on Pence and Harris click here.

The future of millions of innocent unborn children will be determined in our upcoming election. That is why we vote pro-life first.

For Life,

Allie Frazier
Director of Communications 


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