Urgent Action: Call your Representative!

Today the U.S. House is expected to vote on H.R. 1628, the American Health Care Act of 2017–legislation which will eliminate the abortion-subsidizing provisions of Obamacare and cut hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood.

We are urging you to call your Representative TODAY to urge them to vote for H.R. 1628! Click here to find your Representative.

H.R. 1628 includes the following pro-life provisions:

1) prevents credits from being used for plans that pay for abortions
2) eliminates about 85% of federal Planned Parenthood funding for the next year
3) preserves non-taxed employer provided health plans and 
4) postpones the “Cadillac tax” until 2026

As you know, Obamacare contains multiple provisions authorizing federal subsidies for abortion and abortion-expanding regulatory mandates. A 2014 GAO report revealed that over 1,000 federally subsidized plans nationwide were covering elective abortion

H.R. 1628 would repeal the provisions of law that created this system, and prohibit any future federal tax credits from subsidizing the purchase of plans that cover elective abortion, thereby restoring the longstanding principles of the Hyde Amendment with respect to federally funded health coverage.

This should be a TOP priority as the bill is likely to come up for a vote TODAY Please call your Representative now, and help turn back the harmful mandates of Obamacare!


P.S. Registration for Pro-life Legislative Day was originally set to close yesterday. Due to a massive outage experienced by our website service provider yesterday morning, we are extending the deadline to today, March 23. Register now to be a part of the statewide movement that is changing minds and saving lives!


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