Vote Yes on Issue 3

Ohio Right to Life Society Urges Members to Protect Healthcare Freedom

CONTACT:Rachel Schlater
DATE: Tuesday, September 6, 2011
PHONE:(614) 547-0099 ext. 309

 (COLUMBUS, OH) – Today, the Ohio Right to Life Society announced its strong support for Issue 3. By voting yes on Issue 3, Ohioans will preserve their freedom to choose healthcare coverage free of abortion funding and healthcare rationing. The Ohio Right to Life Board of Trustees voted unanimously to endorse the effort against mandated healthcare under Obamacare.

When successful, Issue 3 will enact the Ohio Healthcare Freedom Amendment, which provides that in Ohio no law will compel any person, employer or healthcare provider to participate in a healthcare system and that no law should prohibit the purchase or sale of healthcare insurance. 

Recent reports indicate that Obamacare would mandate $50 million each year to be devoted to school-based health centers, which may offer contraception and abortion services.  Obamacare also demands that $250,000 per state be devoted to “Personal Responsibility Education”, a program required to teach contraception.

Passage of the Ohio Healthcare Freedom Amendment will protect Ohioans from such requirements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and further defend innocent human life.

Ohio Right to Life supports any effort to stop Obamacare as it currently exists and views Issue 3 and the enactment of the Ohio Healthcare Freedom Amendment as an opportunity to do just that. The organization looks forward to engaging their statewide membership and 50 affiliated chapters in a united grassroots effort across the state to vote YES on Issue 3 this November.


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