What Planned Parenthood is doing to Ohio babies

Last night, WBNS 10 TV (Columbus) aired its investigation of what Planned Parenthood does to aborted babies here in Ohio. As you can imagine–it’s repulsive.

(WATCH video here.)

Reporter Nathan Baca begins the segment by warning that the content is of a “sensitive nature.” He outlines the three ways in which the remains of unborn babies are treated in Ohio: earthly burial, cremation, or Planned Parenthood’s method, autoclaving.

What is autoclaving? “The process that sterilizes and breaks down matter using steam heat is referred to as autoclaving.”

As pro-life Attorney General Mike DeWine described it, “We found that these fetuses were steam cooked and then were taken to a Kentucky landfill.”

The rest of the story speaks for itself:

The difference between autoclaving and incineration is the difference of steam heat or an open flame and matters of degrees.

Autoclave experts provided 10 Investigates with a sample of what waste from a typical kitchen garbage can look like after processing. Autoclaved kitchen garbage including meat scraps, would look and have the texture of home insulation.

“Meat scraps;” “home insulation.” Human children steamed to the point of non-recognition. Neither of these things remotely resembles the finely detailed organs, faces, and genetic code that belong to each of these tiny children. 

Currently, Ohio Right to Life is advancing legislation to protect aborted children from these inhumane practices.

While this investigation was airing last night, our team had the honor of attending the annual banquet of Back in His Arms Again, a charitable organization here in Columbus that assists families who have lost babies with educational resources, care, guidance and financial services. Just last week, Kambra Malone, executive director of Back in His Arms Again, testified in favor of our legislation that requires aborted babies to either be given humane burial or cremation.

Kambra’s ministry is showing Ohio that we can do so much better for Ohio moms, dads, and babies. She is showing us how to love human beings in the midst of tragedy.

In every way, that love reflects and honors the dignity of the human person rather than seeking to erase it.


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