Who Has the “Right to Die”?

Dear Friend,

As we shared with you last month, the Ohio Nurses Association voted to officially support Physician-Assisted Suicide. Our friend Del Duduit of Scioto County Right to Life recently wrote a guest blog for us addressing the wave of assisted suicide laws nationwide that sell the lie that some lives – whether due to terminal diagnosis, age or another difficult situation – aren’t worth living. 

Here’s an excerpt of what he wrote:

“The pro-death movement has been successful in playing on emotions and disguising its agenda as a way to provide “death with dignity.” This concept, although thinly veiled with language suggesting compassion and kindness, is anything but. Physician assisted suicide is one and one thing only: the legalized ending of vulnerable human lives. A terminal diagnosis doesn’t suddenly render a person’s life unworthy of living.”

Physician assisted suicide not only breaks the sacred bond between doctor and patient, it also perpetuates the pro-death claim that challenging circumstances can somehow make a life unworthy of being fought for. At Ohio Right to Life, we believe that every life-from conception until natural death- deserves to be protected. We will continue to advocate for the most vulnerable members of our society regardless of age, ability, or diagnosis. Every life matters. Every life is worth living. 

You can check out Del’s entire piece, “Who gets the ‘right to die’ ?” here. 

You can also read our original press release on the ONA’s pro-assisted suicide decision here. 

Also, one last thing. On the heels of Thanksgiving, don’t forget that tomorrow is Giving Tuesday. Please remember our work on behalf of the unborn and the vulnerable elderly when participating in Giving Tuesday tomorrow!

For Life,

Allie Frazier
Social Media Manager 


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