Deb LaBarre

Administrative Director

Debby works part-time as the bookkeeper for Ohio Right to Life and also works part-time as the Secretary and Bookkeeper for a church in Dublin.

Debby LaBarre previously worked as the bookkeeper for the family-owned office furniture business. Her husband Richard has owned Business Equipment Electronics for over 16 years, and has worked in the business for nearly 40 years.

Debby has also been a licensed Realtor and fundraiser for Easter Seals of Central Ohio, where her daughter Andrea attended and was a past Easter Seals Child Representative.  Andrea currently attends the Alpha Workshops in Delaware County. Besides Andrea, Debby and Richard have two other adult children, Steve and Stacey.  Both graduated from Ohio State University, Steve with a degree in Art and Stacey a degree in business.

Debby resides in Powell with Richard and Andrea, and Kramer, the much adored Weimaraner. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends.

Email: dlabarre@ohiolife.orgPhone: (614) 547-0099 ext. 305


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