2019: A Year of Pro-Life Momentum!

The cause of life is winning in Ohio! 2019 has proven to be another banner year for Ohio Right to Life. As always, we worked tirelessly, advocating for pro-life policies at the statehouse and educating our fellow Ohioans on the importance of protecting life at every stage, from conception until natural death.

We’ve now seen 22 pro-life initiatives signed into law in the last decade. Abortions in Ohio have dropped by 31%. Over half of abortion facilities in Ohio have closed.  Looking ahead, we are encouraged to have three more years of pro-life Governor Mike DeWine’s strong, pro-family administration whose focus on children and families is truly pro-life. 

In 2019, thanks to your support, we continued to further the pro-life momentum in our state. 

First, with Ohio Right to Life leadership present, Governor Dewine signed the Heartbeat Bill into law. We are watching closely as the Heartbeat Bill works its way through the courts, and are hopeful it will ultimately be the vehicle to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Second, Ohio Right to Life’s Parenting and Pregnancy Support Act was funded as a part of Ohio’s biennial operating budget and secured $7.5 million for life-affirming agencies like pro-life pregnancy centers. We then held our “Funds for Life” training to equip local pregnancy centers to successfully apply for the funding and serve even more women and babies in need. 

Finally, we introduced two vital, life-saving pieces of legislations, S.B. 154, the Abortion Pill Reversal Information Act and S.B. 208, the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act. Both passed out of the Ohio Senate this fall and are headed to the Ohio House. 

To read more about these accomplishments, please view our 2019 Annual Report. We have the momentum and pro-life Ohio is stronger than ever before!

But Allie, there is still so much work to be done. With every new year come new lives to save from abortion. We will not stop until the Ohio Abortion Report reads “zero”.

 As the end of 2019 approaches, we hope you’ll consider a year-end, tax-deductible contribution to the Ohio Right to Life Educational Fund.

We are continually seeking to change hearts and minds statewide, and we can’t do it without your help. Will you give $25, $50 or even $100 now to further the cause of life in the new year?

Please act now, and help to save lives and ensure the pro-life momentum continues in Ohio in 2020!

Will you give?


In sincere thanks for your continued support,


Stephanie Ranade Krider 
Executive Director



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