A day without 30 million women

Today, March 8 is recognized by the UN as International Women’s Day. This year, the Women’s March has labeled this day “A Day Without a Woman,” urging women to “take the day off from paid and unpaid labor.”

3-8-17_day_without_a_woman.jpgThe idea is to impress upon people what the economy and the workplace would look like without the skills and hard work of women. The irony is that their own agenda advances the annihilation of women on a global scale by endorsing abortion on-demand and working hand-in-hand with the country’s largest abortion outlet, Planned Parenthood.

Since 1973, 60 million babies have been aborted in the United States, half of whom were baby girls. Because of this horrific practice, today truly is a day without women–about 30 million women…and counting.

This is why the women of Ohio Right to Life are working today. Because when there is a crisis of this scale, we refuse to let any human being–girl or boy–perish in the hands of the abortion industry. 

As St. Teresa of Calcutta said, “Abortion is profoundly anti-women. Three quarters of its victims are women: Half the babies and all the mothers.”

On Wednesday, April 5, Ohio Right to Life is holding our own day of activism–activism that will truly advance the lives of women and yes, their children. Join us in taking a stand for unborn children and their mothers at Pro-life Legislative Day 2017, a day devoted to advocating for pro-life laws at the Ohio Statehouse. We will be advocating for funding for life-affirming pregnancy help centers that help women in need, as well as Ohio’s groundbreaking Dismemberment Abortion Ban. 

>>>>Click here for more details.

If today we are to truly consider what a day without a woman looks like, just consider the staggering number of baby girls who have been aborted in the last 44 years, and join us in doing something about it. You won’t regret it.

With you for Life,



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