Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost Takes Legal Action Against Planned Parenthood 

DATE: Thursday, April 2, 2020     PHONE: 614-547-0099 ext. 301

COLUMBUS, Ohio– Yesterday, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost took legal action to force Planned Parenthood and other Ohio abortion facilities to comply with state orders to cease non-essential surgical procedures. The AG filed a notice that the state of Ohio will appeal the order by Judge Barrett to the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, requesting a stay of the order until after the appeal is decided. Judge Barrett granted a temporary restraining order on Monday that would allow Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities to continue surgical abortions despite an order from the state to cease all non-essential surgeries. This order, which was issued by the ODH’s Director Dr. Amy Acton, mandated that non-essential surgical procedures cease in light of the COVID-19 pandemic to conserve medical equipment in short supply. While the vast majority of Ohio’s medical professionals took immediate action to comply, abortion facilities across the state continued to perform surgical abortions.

“We thank Attorney General Yost for enforcing the law and ensuring that Planned Parenthood and their abortion allies are held to the same standard under the State’s Health Order that every other surgical facility is currently,” said Stephanie Ranade Krider, Vice President of Ohio Right to Life. “Regardless of how many times Planned Parenthood ignores the law and claims that they deserve special treatment under the Health Order- we know better. Abortion is not essential and these facilities’ blatant disregard for human life and safety during this crisis only serves to underline that fact.”

The order, which was given by ODH Director Dr. Amy Acton on March 17th, mandated that all non-essential surgical procedures be halted in order to preserve vital PPEs and reduce the spread of COVID-19. On March 20th, Ohio Right to Life sent a letter to the President of Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio calling on them to close in compliance with the ODH’s Health Order. Soon after, Ohio Right to Life started a petition to urge the Ohio Department of Health to enforce the Health Order and hold Ohio’s surgical abortion facilities, including Planned Parenthood, accountable to the law. The petition now has over 800 signatures.

Even after receiving a cease and desist order from Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost sent March 20th these clinics remained open, going so far as to petition a federal judge to force the state to make an exception to the health order for all surgical abortions.

“Ohio Right to Life thanks pro-life Ohioans for their tireless advocacy on behalf of our society’s most vulnerable,” said Krider. “As Ohioans across our great state do their best to protect lives during this pandemic, we are thankful both to our attorney general and to Governor DeWine for their commitment to protect life and hold the abortion industry accountable. Countless lives will be saved thanks to their actions.”

To read the AG’s full emergency brief, click here. 

Founded in 1967, Ohio Right to Life, with more than 45 chapters and local affiliates, is Ohio’s oldest and largest grassroots pro-life organization. Recognized as the flagship of the pro-life movement in Ohio, ORTL works through legislation and education to promote and defend innocent human life from conception to natural death.




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