Abortion Pill Reversal Information Act Introduced

Representatives Koehler and Fowler Arthur Introduce Bill in Ohio House

DATE: Thursday, July 15, 2021             PHONE: 614-547-0099 ext. 304

COLUMBUS, Ohio– Today in the Ohio House, Representatives Kyle Koehler and Sarah Fowler Arthur introduced the Abortion Pill Reversal Information Act. This legislation would build on existing informed consent laws to require abortion facilities to inform women that chemical abortions can possibly be reversed to save their unborn child’s life.

“This bill is about informed consent,” said Representative Koehler. “Women deserve to have all relevant medical information provided to them when making healthcare decisions. This bill does not require women to reverse their abortions. Instead, this legislation provides scientific and proven medical information to mothers in crisis. It will empower women to make a truly informed decision.”

The Abortion Pill Reversal Protocol (APR) allows a woman to potentially reverse the effects of mifepristone,  the first pill in the abortion pill regimen, and save her baby. Mifepristone works by blocking progesterone, a naturally occurring hormone which maintains a woman’s pregnancy. Administering additional progesterone through APR after a woman has taken the first abortion pill has a success rate of 64%-68% of reversing the abortion.

 “Complete information allows a woman in crisis more control over the situation,” said Representative Fowler Arthur, who is jointly sponsoring the legislation with Representative Koehler. “Ensuring women have relevant medical information supports healthy decision making.”

Progesterone has been used for decades to prevent miscarriage and early labor and is FDA approved for those purposes. No major side effects or birth defects have been reported as a result of APR. To date, over 2,000 babies have been born after their mothers chose to utilize APR. APR has over 30 providers in Ohio, most of whom are OB-GYNs, and 1,000 providers worldwide.

“We are grateful to Representatives Koehler and Fowler Arthur for introducing this critical legislation,” said Mike Gonidakis, president of Ohio Right to Life. “The abortion industry shouldn’t keep women in the dark about their options. Women who regret beginning the chemical abortion process shouldn’t be forced or coerced into completing it. The Abortion Pill Reversal Information Act will ensure that the rights of women are put above the rights of an industry that profits from death and deceit. Women in crisis have a right to know that they have a chance to save their child’s life.”

Ohio Right to Life will work with Representative Koehler and Representative Fowler Arthur to advocate for the passage of this pro-life, pro-woman legislation.

To learn more about the Abortion Pill Reversal Information Act, click here.

To learn more about the Abortion Pill Reversal Protocol, click here.

Founded in 1967, Ohio Right to Life, with more than 45 chapters and local affiliates, is Ohio’s oldest and largest grassroots pro-life organization. Recognized as the flagship of the pro-life movement in Ohio, ORTL works through legislation and education to promote and defend innocent human life from conception to natural death.



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