Life Blog

18-week baby found in Cincinnati wastewater treatment plant

Early Sunday morning, workers at a wastewater treatment plant in Cincinnati made a startling discovery: Surrounded by trash, an 18-week-old…

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Rally to CONFIRM Gorsuch this Friday!

In November, we made our voices heard. We voted for the one Presidential ticket that promised to protect the Supreme…

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Pro-life rallies this week and next!

On the heels of the March for Life, the Inauguration and the nomination of Judge Gorsuch to the Supreme Court,…

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TAKE ACTION: Tell your Senators to confirm Gorsuch

This week, Ohio Right to Life joined the Pro-life Court Coalition, a nationwide alliance of pro-life organizations working to defend…

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What we saw at the 2017 March for Life

Every year at the March for Life, there is an undeniable energy that pulses through the hundreds of thousands of…

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Today…we march

A few years ago, speaking to an audience at the University of Chicago Law School, liberal Supreme Court Justice Ruth…

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The only number that matters during the March for Life

Every January, in the dead of winter, often facing blizzards and negative windchills, hundreds of thousands of pro-life people travel…

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Finally, a pro-life President

Today is a day that means a lot to the pro-life movement. After eight years of pro-abortion policies, we are…

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Abortion rates lowest since Roe v. Wade

Yesterday, Planned Parenthood’s research arm, the Guttmacher Institute, reported that in 2014, abortions in America fell to their lowest level…

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Free March for Life Signs, events and more!

We are excited to announce that once again we will be co-hosting a reception in Washington, D.C. following the March…

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