Planned Parenthood is at it again…

Dear Friend,

Bad news: Planned Parenthood is at it again.  

Late last week, Planned Parenthood filed a lawsuit to block SB 260, the Telemedicine Abortion Ban, a vital pro-life protection which would have gone into effect in a matter of days and stopped the abortion giant from committing dangerous chemical abortions via telemedicine. 

Telemed abortions enable Planned Parenthood to turn any of their 19 “health centers” across Ohio into an abortion facility. Also, since they’re cheaper to do, telmed abortions allow Planned Parenthood cut costs- at the expense of basic health and safety standards. No woman in crisis should be forced to undergo the gruesome and traumatizing chemical abortion process potentially hours away from medical help. But for Planned Parenthood, nothing is off limits- not even putting vulnerable women in harm’s way to sell more abortions and end the lives of more defenseless unborn children. 

The Ohio Right to Life team has been at the front of this fight from the beginning- pushing to ban telemed abortions before Planned Parenthood had even admitted to committing them. In fact, it was only after we introduced SB 260 that Planned Parenthood confessed to having done these procedures secretly in Ohio for nearly two years prior. 

Our Telemedicine Abortion Ban exposed Planned Parenthood’s money-making scheme- and now that it has been signed into law, they’re doing whatever they can to stop it. 

Ohio Right to Life will never quit working to expose Planned Parenthood for what they are: opportunistic abortion activists willing to do anything to sell abortions. They might think that slashing health and safety standards to pad their bottom line is acceptable, but we certainly do not. Women and children deserve better.

We desperately need your help to fight back against Planned Parenthood’s disgusting attempts to take advantage of vulnerable women and kill unborn babies. Please consider donating today if you are able- we would be honored to have you by our side in this fight. 

We refuse to take this lying down and we will do everything humanly possible to hold Planned Parenthood responsible and protect innocent life. 

Will you join us?

For Life,

Allie Frazier
Director of Communications 


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