Governor Kasich Initiates Human Trafficking Task Force
Pro-Life John Kasich Assembles Organized Effort to Fight the Trafficking Crime
DATE: Thursday, March 29, 2012
PHONE: (614) 547-0099 ext. 309
(COLUMBUS, OH) – Governor John Kasich signed an executive order today to create the Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force, an organized effort to battle the crime in the state.

Governor Kasich has made human trafficking a top priority throughout his time in office, bringing it to the spotlight in his State of the State speech earlier this year.
“It’s hard for me to even think about this,” said Governor John Kasich in his speech this February. “My girls (twin daughters, Emma and Reese) are 12. Could you imagine somebody snatching your daughter and somebody forcing them into prostitution at 13 and 14 years of age?”
Governor Kasich declared a “war on the slave-trade business” in February, and carried through on his promise today.
“I can’t think of a greater evil than what we know of this human slave trade business,” said Governor Kasich today. “Can you think of anything that we should push harder for than the abolition of the slave trade business on our teenagers in our state?”
Ohio Right to Life is grateful to Governor Kasich for defending the defenseless and continuously standing for the right to life in Ohio.
Click on the image above to view a public service announcement from Governor Kasich and Theresa Flores, a human trafficking survivor.
To view a video from the event, click here.