Irony alert! Planned Parenthood sponsors March for Science

Tomorrow, the first-ever March for Science will take place in Washington D.C. and cities across the country. The March is calling for “science that upholds the common good and for political leaders and policy makers to enact evidence based policies in the public interest.”

That doesn’t sound too controversial, right?

Except Planned Parenthood is sponsoring at least two of the satellite Marches taking place here in Ohio–one in Cincinnati and the other in Cleveland. In addition, NARAL and Preterm (the abortion lobby and the biggest abortion outlet in the state) are sponsoring the Cleveland March.

The tragic irony is that Planned Parenthood is one of the biggest science-deniers of the last century. From its eugenic roots to its modern-day genocidal abortion practice, Planned Parenthood has manipulated science and used it against the common good for the last 100 years.

TAKE ACTION>>> As Planned Parenthood takes to the streets to march this weekend, join us in calling on Congress to de-fund America’s biggest abortion outlet once and for all. 

Over and over again, we’ve seen Planned Parenthood do back-flips to explain away the science that proves human life begins at conception. In undercover videos, Planned Parenthood directors discussed the sale of aborted children’s hearts, livers and lungs, acknowledging the human anatomy of their victims. Yet in public interviews, they absolutely refuse to answer whether their victims are human or not. 

Planned Parenthood acknowledges science when it’s profitable, and denies it when it’s not.

This weekend’s March purports to be about more than just science. It claims to be in the service of the common good. There’s no doubt in our minds that Planned Parenthood fits under neither of those umbrellas.

Take a stand in calling on our political leaders to uphold science and the common good, and de-fund Planned Parenthood! Click here to sign our petition now!


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