Pro-Life Legislative Day 2018: Recap
Pro-Life Legislative Day 2018: A Huge Success
Yesterday, Ohio Right to Life hosted our annual Pro-Life Legislative Day. Pro-lifers came from all over the state, some leaving at 6am to arrive on time! We started our day with a Legislative Briefing from Jessica Warner, our Director of Legislative Affairs. Jessica gave an overview of the composition of the House and the Senate, the legislative process, and why we as an organization are advocating against S.B. 249, the so-called “Aid in Dying Act.”
Armed with a bevy of facts and reasons to oppose S.B. 249, our citizen activists took the House and Senate offices by storm! Each group met with either their legislator or their legislator’s staff. They brought a folder of information for each legislator to look over, with facts and statistics about euthanasia and assisted suicide.
After the meetings, everyone came back for a luncheon full of good food and pro-life fellowship! We had a packed room full of legislators and their constituents. During lunch, we heard from Mike Gonidakis, our president, Julie Moore, the president of Pregnancy Decision Health Centers (Columbus), and our great pro-life Senate President Larry Obhof.
Every year we are thrilled to host our Legislative Day, and to faciliate important conversations between legislators and their constituents on issues that matter to pro-life Ohio. Thanks to all who came out to be a part of this important day, and we hope that this will reinvigorate pro-life Ohioans to continually contact their state representatives and senators. It makes a difference!