Mike Pence Defends Sanctity of Human Life on Debate Stage

Last night, Vice Presidential candidate Mike Pence made an outstanding statement in defense of human life. 

Facing off against Tim Kaine, the pro-choice Democratic nominee, Pence compassionately articulated the value of human life: “The sanctity of life proceeds out of the belief that ancient principle where God says before you were formed in the womb I knew you, and so for my first time in public life, I sought to stand with great compassion for the sanctity of life. Society will be judged by how it defends its most vulnerable – the aged, the infirm, the disabled, and the unborn.”


Tim Kaine, who has been heralded by the media as a “devout Catholic,” proceeded to chide the Trump/Pence ticket for wanting to send Roe v. Wade to the “ash heap of history.” Pence stood strong: “I couldn’t be more proud to stand with Donald Trump who is standing for the right to life.”

Pence slammed Hillary Clinton’s support of partial-birth abortion, as well as Tim Kaine’s support for forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions.

This exchange offered Americans a profound glimpse into the increasing extremism of the Democratic Party and its leaders. It demonstrated Tim Kaine’s betrayal of the Catholic faith and his fatal disregard for the lives of the innocent. Through Mike Pence’s compassionate articulation, it highlighted the empathy and love of the pro-life movement.

In an election year when words like “hate” and “deplorable” are at the tips of the Democratic Party’s tongues, this moment–this moment of profound love for the human person–should shine like a beacon for all Americans as the true and only cure for the problems that ail the human heart.

If you are interested in lifting up such timeless values as this, we would love to see you at our pre-election fall benefit on October 20. Conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, creator of Hillary’s America, will be speaking at Grove City Church of the Nazarene in Central Ohio where together we will promote the sanctity of human life and religious liberty. Click here to purchase tickets.

Please join us in echoing Governor Pence’s respect for the human person, and purchase your tickets today!



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