New Year, New Life

 With 2020 nearly upon us, we reflect on a decade that has seen more momentum for the pro-life movement than possibly any other in our nation’s history. Abortions have fallen to their lowest since Roe v. Wade. Half of the abortion facilities in Ohio have closed. We have seen 22 pro-life initiatives passed in Ohio. Life is winning! 

 As we go boldly into a new decade that will define our nation, and Lord willing, see abortion ended, we want to thank you for the part you’ve played in saving lives here in Ohio. Pro-life Ohio’s dedication, compassion, and support for life has turned the tide in our state. 

 Looking to 2020, we see another fresh start and a way forward to save even more precious lives. Each new year brings new lives to protect from abortion. With renewed energy, we are ready to continue advocating with you for the most vulnerable until the Ohio abortion report reads “zero.” There is still much to do. We can’t wait to continue to fight alongside you for the sake of the unborn in 2020. We are pro-life Ohio and we will end abortion. 

For Life in 2020 and beyond,

Ohio Right to Life 


P.S. If you want to help save lives in Ohio through a tax-deductible gift, click the donate button below. Every gift helps protect the most vulnerable and promote the cause of life in our state. Thank you for your support, we really couldn’t do what we do without you. God bless you!


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