Ohio Right to Life Hosts Grant Writing Training for Pregnancy Centers


Ohio Right to Life Hosts Grant Training for Ohio Pregnancy Centers

Last Friday, Ohio Right to Life hosted a training for life-affirming pregnancy help centers to learn how to apply for state funding. Fifteen Ohio pregnancy centers sent representatives to this training, where they learned valuable information about how to apply for grants to support their life-affirming work.

This past summer, Ohio Right to Life fought for the Ohio Parenting and Pregnancy Support Program to be funded in the Ohio budget. The program was fully funded, and now $1 million is available for pregnancy centers to help give loving, compassionate care to mothers and their babies.

The training Friday was hosted in collaboration with Heartbeat International. They sent a grant writing specialist to help these pregnancy center representatives apply for the available funding. 

The training was a resounding success, and many pregnancy centers are now more equipped to apply for grants to support their life-saving work! We look forward to see what good they will continue to do across Ohio.


Ohio Right to Life Honors Former Rep. Margy Conditt with a Lifetime Achievement Award

Last week, Ohio Right to Life president Mike Gonidakis and Director of Legislative Affairs Jessica Koehler met with former Rep. Margy Conditt (R-Liberty Township), who just recently stepped down from her seat. Rep. Conditt courageously fought for life, and in the legislature proved a fierce defender of the unborn.

She headed up the Ohio legislative effort to defund Planned Parenthood, and was the sponsor of the Abortion Trafficking Prevention Act (H.B. 149), which was introduced in the house in March of this year. Pro-life Ohio will always be indebted to the good work Rep. Conditt did on behalf of the most vulnerable. Thank you, Rep. Margy Conditt!



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