Ohio Stands for Pro-Life Freedom and Conscience Rights


DATE: Thursday, February 2, 2012                                                     

PHONE: 614-547-0099 ext. 309

(COLUMBUS) – Today, joint resolutions were filed in the Ohio legislature, demanding that President Obama reverse a Health and Human Services rule that requires employers to pay for drugs that can cause abortions.

“Requiring religious-based organizations to cover such drugs is a blatant violation of the conscience rights of pro-life organizations and individuals. If an employer has a conscience objection to providing such coverage, this new federal mandate will force them to comply regardless,” said Ohio Right to Life President Mike Gonidakis. “This completely contradicts the rights of religious liberty afforded to all Americans.”

The rule requires health plans to cover all FDA-approved forms of contraception which include both Plan B and Ella, “emergency contraception” more commonly known as the morning-after pill.  There is significant evidence that these drugs can act as abortifacients by preventing a human embryo from implanting in the womb. Ella in particular is similar to the chemical composition of the abortion drug RU-486.

“This federal requirement completely disregards the religious freedoms of faith-based institutions and crosses the boundary between church and state,” said Representative Stautberg. “The federal government should not force employers to offer a product that violates their conscience or force religious leaders to act against their own teachings. Today we are sending a message to President Obama and Washington that here in the state of Ohio, we believe that religious freedom is worth defending.” 

“This mandate from the Obama administration blatantly disregards the personal religious beliefs of many employers,” said Senator Peggy Lehner. “We wish to express the Ohio Senate’s objection to this blatant overreach.” 

“Protecting human life is at the top of my personal duty list.  Forcing taxpayer money and religious institutions to comply with a misguided policy from the President is something that must be corrected,” said Senator Dave Burke. 

Ohio Right to Life is grateful to Senator Peggy LehnerRepresentative Peter StautbergRepresentative Barbara Sears and Senator Dave Burke for introducing this life affirming resolution.

Ohio Right to Life encourages all pro-life Ohioans to take a definitive stand against the Obama mandate and oppose this threat to our freedom. Please contact your elected representative to support this resolution and express your outright opposition to the Obama mandate. Find your office holders by clicking here


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