One Year Later: Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Parts

One year ago today, we caught a headline: Shock Video Catches Planned Parenthood’s Top Doctor Selling Body Parts of Aborted Babies

Upon watching the video, we quickly realized how groundbreaking this footage was: Planned Parenthood’s medical director callously discussing dollar values for aborted babies’ livers, hearts, and lungs.

In the time since the release of that first video and the subsequent videos, Ohio Right to Life has led the state in responding to the abortion industry’s disregard for the human child.

In February, Governor John Kasich signed our law de-funding Planned Parenthood of taxpayer dollars, a long-sought victory for Ohio Right to Life. In December, we saw the introduction of the Unborn Child Dignity Act, legislation to require the humane, individual burial or cremation of aborted children. The Ohio Senate passed this legislation at the end of May!

Now, as we cross the one-year mark of the Planned Parenthood video scandal, we are asking, “What more can we do?”

>>Click here to sign our petition right now!

For the last several months, Ohio Right to Life has been educating the public and our leaders on the excruciating pain experienced by the unborn child in an abortion. At 6-7 weeks gestation, pain receptors first appear. By 20 weeks gestation, the unborn child has pain receptors present throughout her entire body.

At light of these facts, Ohio Right to Life is advocating for the passage of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, legislation which would prohibit abortions from taking place when babies can feel pain, or at 20 weeks gestation.

This is the next logical and compassionate step in our response to the abortion industry’s inhumane treatment of aborted children. It is the next logical and compassionate step in our efforts to stop the crushing, to end the pain, and to cease the violence.

Today, as we mark the anniversary of a scandal, we ask you, pro-life Ohio, to sign our petition to pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

Grave acts of brutality demand action. They demand a response. With all of the compassion and action we can muster, we must respond. Please sign the petition to protect pain-capable babies from the agony of abortion today and ask two friends to do the same! Together, we can grow the largest pro-life defense Ohio has ever seen!


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