Pro-Life Ohioans March for Life to protest 46 years of Roe v. Wade

DATE: Friday, January 18, 2019     PHONE: 614-547-0099 ext. 304

WASHINGTON, D.C.–Today, Ohio Right to Life and its members joined thousands in Washington D.C. for the world’s largest pro-life event, the March for Life, to protest 46 years of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court case that legalized abortion-on-demand.

The following is a statement from Mike Gonidakis, president of Ohio Right to Life:

“The March for Life reminds us each year of the work that we have yet to do to end the evil that is abortion-on-demand. We are grateful for the continued energy and momentum of the pro-life movement not just in Ohio, but across the nation. This energy is demonstrated full scale at the March for Life. As we approach the 46th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, let us not lose heart as we continue to seek protection for every innocent human being, from conception to natural death.”

Founded in 1967, Ohio Right to Life, with more than 45 chapters and local affiliates, is Ohio’s oldest and largest grassroots pro-life organization. Recognized as the flagship of the pro-life movement in Ohio, ORTL works through legislation and education to promote and defend innocent human life from conception to natural death.



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