Pro-Life Ohioans, President Trump attend March for Life

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE       CONTACT: Stephanie Ranade Krider 

DATE: Friday, January 24, 2020     PHONE: 614-547-0099 ext. 302

WASHINGTON, D.C.–Today, Ohio Right to Life and its members join thousands in Washington D.C. for the world’s largest pro-life event, the annual March for Life. President Donald Trump is also attending the event, which is held annually to protest Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court case that legalized abortion-on-demand. This will mark the first time in U.S. history that a president has ever attended the March for Life.

“The March for Life is an annual event which encourages, inspires and mobilizes millions of pro-life activists,” says Stephanie Ranade Krider, Vice President of Ohio Right to Life. “Ohio Right to Life and its members march with the conviction that we are at a pivotal moment in the pro-life movement.”

Also announced today, President Trump has launched a pro-life coalition “Pro-Life Voices for Trump.” Ohio Right to Life’s President Mike Gonidakis was named as a member of the advisory board. 

“I am humbled and honored to announce that President Trump asked me to serve on his National Pro-Life Advisory Board “Pro-Life Voices for Trump” in order to advocate our pro-life values in support of his re-election efforts.” says Gonidakis.  “I look forward to working closely with my colleagues such as Tony Perkins, Ken Blackwell, Gary Bauer and Alveda King to advance our President’s pro-life goals and secure victory in November 2020.”

“Pro-Life Voices for Trump” which is comprised of national pro-life leaders and community advocates, will work to aid in the pro-life President’s 2020 re-election.

“With more support behind the cause of life than ever before, we are reinvigorated to work towards a future where every woman is empowered and supported, and every life, born and unborn, is cherished and protected,” says Krider. “Until that day, we will continue fighting to build a culture of life in Ohio and end abortion.”

Founded in 1967, Ohio Right to Life, with more than 45 chapters and local affiliates, is Ohio’s oldest and largest grassroots pro-life organization. Recognized as the flagship of the pro-life movement in Ohio, ORTL works through legislation and education to promote and defend innocent human life from conception to natural death.



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