September is NICU Awareness Month

Over the last couple of weeks, a number of hopeful headlines have grabbed our hearts:

These headlines come to us in the midst of NICU Awareness Month, a month devoted to honoring the families and medical professionals spending time in the neonatal intensive care unit.

At Ohio Right to Life, these stories have a special meaning for us. Not only is advanced medical technology helping babies live around the world, it is also showing the world a powerful paradox: the vulnerability and the resilience of preterm children.

For the last year, Ohio Right to Life has spearheaded our state’s efforts to protect little children like these in the womb by advocating for the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. With this legislation, Ohio has the opportunity to shield over 500 babies from the painful sting of abortion.

As the momentum of the election season picks up, we want to make sure that this legislation stays at the forefront of our legislature’s agenda! This NICU Awareness Month, will you help our efforts by signing the Petition to Pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act?

Click here to sign the petition to protect over 500 babies from abortion today!


Hundreds of you have already signed on! You can take your activism one step further by forwarding this email to just two friends and asking them to do the same. 

Following NICU Awareness Month is Respect Life Month in October. Within this important window of time, Ohio has the opportunity to bring special, concentrated awareness to the vulnerable, yet resilient lives of unborn children.

Will you assist us with this effort? Will you sign the petition and take a stand for the vulnerable?


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