Statement Regarding Rep. Tim Ryan’s Abortion Position

The following statement is a response to Congressman Tim Ryan’s switch from “pro-life” to “pro-choice” and can be attributed to Mike Gonidakis, President of Ohio Right to Life.

“Congressman Ryan’s flip-flop on abortion clearly demonstrates his opportunistic and self centered approach in seeking higher office. By callously and carelessly tossing aside his so-called strong Catholic upbringing and pro-life beliefs to now support abortion, he sadly proves yet again that politicians will say anything and do anything to get elected or climb the political ladder. It is no wonder why Congress has the lowest approval rating in our nation’s history.  

“Of course, Ryan was proudly ‘pro-life’ while easily getting re-elected in an otherwise gerrymandered district. But now as he seeks higher office, which we assume will be a challenge to pro-life Senator Rob Portman, he chooses to abandon those who helped him get elected in the first place. Most alarming to all Ohioans, both pro-life and pro-choice, is that if he is willing to easily flip-flop on the fundamental issue of a baby’s life, what would he do with every other issue which faces our nation.

“Congressman Ryan’s so-called conversion should be a wake-up call to voters in his current district as well as the rest of Ohio that he is nothing more than a political opportunist who will say anything to get elected. Thankfully Ohioans have rejected this type of politics and Congressman Ryan, I suspect, will soon learn of these consequences if he chooses to run for the US Senate.”   

Please direct any further questions to Katherine Franklin, Director of Communications, at 614-547-0099 ex. 304.

Founded in 1967, Ohio Right to Life, with more than 45 chapters and local affiliates, is Ohio’s oldest and largest grassroots pro-life organization. Recognized as the flagship of the pro-life movement in Ohio, ORTL works through legislation and education to promote and defend innocent human life from conception to natural death.  



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