Thank You Governor John Kasich!

Pro-Life Governor Signs Late-Term Abortion Ban to Save Lives


DATE: Wednesday, July 20, 2011PHONE:(614) 547-0099

(Columbus, OH) – Today Ohio Governor John Kasich signed H.B. 78, the Late-Term Abortion Ban. This new law, supported by Ohio Right to Life, is the most important piece of pro-life legislation that Ohio has passed in years and is part of an overall national strategy to overturn Roe v. Wade.  The legislationwas advocated for by its sponsors Rep. Joe Uecker (R -Loveland)Rep. Kristina Roegner (R-Cuyahoga Falls) and Senator Peggy Lehner (R- Kettering).

“In order to protect life, it takes compassionate leadership from our elected officials.  By signing this critical pro-life legislation, Governor Kasich demonstrated to all Ohioans that the health and welfare of birth mothers and their unborn children are of paramount importance to the state of Ohio,” said Mike Gonidakis, Executive Director for Ohio Right to Life.  “According to the Department of Health, an abortion took place in Ohio last year when the baby was 35 weeks old.  From now on, these babies and their mothers will be protected,” said Gonidakis. 

This legislation bans post-viability abortions except when the pregnant woman’s life is in danger. Up to this point in Ohio, a woman could legally have an abortion up to and through her ninth month of pregnancy. With today’s signature by Governor Kasich, babies who can live outside of their mother’s womb will no longer be subject to death via an abortion.

The bill passed the Ohio House of Representatives earlier this year with an astounding 65 to 33 bi-partisan vote.  Last week, through the leadership of pro-life Senate President Tom Niehaus (R-New Richmond)Senator Scott Oelslager (R-North Canton) and Senator Shannon Jones (R-Springboro),the bill passed the Senate by an overwhelming bipartisan vote.

Ohio Right to Life is grateful to all members of the legislature who supported this legislation and the Ohio Right to Life legislative agenda.  To read the legislation, click HERE


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