The one question missing from last night’s debate

Last night, there was one important question that went unasked during the first Presidential Debate: Where do you stand on the issue of abortion?

Since the moderator, Lester Holt, failed to ask about where our candidates stand on dismembering innocent human lives, we wanted to fill you in on four big differences between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton:


You can download your own copy of this comparison at You will also find our endorsementsballot cardsbumper stickers and more!

If you have pro-life friends who aren’t quite decided on who they will vote for this November, please send them this article. Don’t let the media’s blackout on this issue leave voters unsure of where the candidates stand!

P.S. We’d love to see you at our pre-election fall benefit on October 20! Conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, creator of Hillary’s America, will be speaking at Grove City Church of the Nazarene in Central Ohio. Don’t miss what promises to be an amazing evening of truth, faith and life! Click here to purchase tickets.



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