The Right to Life and Election 2016

To a lot of folks, the 2016 Election isn’t shaping out to be the election year they thought it would be. But as the political elements shift and change, we at Ohio Right to Life remain constant in our advocacy for the timeless and unalienable right to life.

Next Wednesday, May 25, is the last day of session in the Ohio General Assembly before their summer recess when they head back to their communities to make contact with pro-life voters like you.

Last week, we shared with you the urgency of passing the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act out of the Ohio House. As we advocate for the passage and enactment of this critical legislation, Ohio Right to Life is rallying our Unborn Child Dignity Act through its final hearings as well.

This morning, the Senate Government and Oversight Committee heard opponent testimony on this bill, SB 254, which will require that the remains of aborted children are humanely treated, either through individual burial or cremation.

As we advocate for these legislative initiatives, we believe that we are poising the Ohio General Assembly to head into a busy summer on the soft and assured note that their work here in Columbus is that of the heart.

It is principles like ours–the right to our very lives–that ground us in the unshakable reality of human existence and the virtues that have shaped and advanced civil society throughout human history. 

If there was ever a time to speak with the love, the compassion and the heart that is the pro-life movement, it is now. If there was ever a time to more firmly root ourselves in the unfailing foundation of human rights, it is now. If there was ever a time to pass legislation that softens our hearts to the pain of the unborn child and her intrinsic dignity, it is now.

Today, we ask that you help ground the state of Ohio more firmly in these principles. When we do this, we believe that we will find Ohio a steady and constant force for goodness, throughout and beyond the course of Election 2016.

Will you sign our petition to pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act? With just a couple of clicks, you can help ensure that Ohio remains a force for human life.

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