Carrie Snyder

Member Trustee
Carrie Snyder is the mother of six children ranging from 7 to 18 years old and the owner, along with her husband, of a retail store in the beautiful city of Wooster, Ohio. Carrie and her family are transplants from Michigan where she graduated from Calvin College with a B.A. in political science. After starting off as a field representative for Right to Life of Michigan for four years, she left her paid staff position and transitioned to a role as Dearborn Right to Life affiliate president, Right to Life of Michigan board member, and PAC committee member while her children were young. She was also a citizen volunteer for the Foster Care Review Board for six years and a freelance proofreader and writer during this time.
After moving to Ohio, Carrie got involved with her local chapter, Wayne-Holmes Right to Life, and served as president for six years. She is currently the vice president of the group, and is active in the Wooster community and her children’s activities. She has been a trustee with Ohio Right to Life for nearly ten years and continues to enjoy serving in this important statewide role.