Life Blog

Trump & Clinton’s dramatic differences on late-term abortion

By now you’ve probably seen a number of heated Facebook debates in which abortion advocates heatedly tell you that, no,…

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How Can Some Catholic Religious Not Be Pro-Life in Their Voting?

The 2016 Democratic Party platform calls for taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand, including a repeal of the Hyde Amendment, the often-cited federal provision…

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Tonight: Dinesh D’Souza in Columbus!

Tonight’s the night! At 5:30 PM, the doors at Grove City Church of the Nazarene will open for An Evening…

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Last day to register online!

Today is the last day to register online for An Evening with Dinesh D’Souza, best-selling author and filmmaker and creator…

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Book Signing THIS Thursday!

This week is the week: The week we bring you Dinesh D’Souza, best-selling author and filmmaker and creator of Hillary’s…

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100 Years of Planned Parenthood

This Saturday, October 15 will mark Planned Parenthood’s 100th year of operation. 100 years of horrific practices. 100 years involving forced…

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Early voting starts today!

Early voting begins in Ohio today! Before you cast your ballot, we want to make sure that you have on hand…

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10 Days to Dinesh!

Last night, Hillary Clinton iterated her commitment to appointing pro-abortion Supreme Court Justices who will maintain Roe v. Wade as…

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Franklin Graham, Dinesh D’Souza & more!

October is Respect Life Month, and like every year, there are plenty of pro-life opportunities for you to take part…

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Mike Pence Defends Sanctity of Human Life on Debate Stage

Last night, Vice Presidential candidate Mike Pence made an outstanding statement in defense of human life.  Facing off against Tim…

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