Life Blog

The difference between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

This morning, the Cleveland Plain Dealer posted a valuable comparison of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on the issue of abortion. From…

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Driver Charged with Aggravated Vehicular Homicide for Death of Unborn Baby

Last Saturday, a tragic story came across central Ohio news outlets: Unborn baby killed in east Columbus hit-skip crash. In a…

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Strickland jokes that Scalia’s death came “at a good time”

A new video posted on YouTube features Ted Strickland, pro-abortion candidate for US Senate, joking that Justice Antonin Scalia’s death…

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NARAL on possible forced abortion: No comment

On June 11, 2015, a patient arrived at a Dayton-area abortion facility with the help of a friend. The clinic’s…

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More pro-abortion scandal at the DNC

Last night, at the Democratic National Convention, Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards was given the stage to promote abortion.  The…

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The biggest betrayal at the DNC

Last night, the Democratic Party adopted a radically pro-abortion platform, betraying and marginalizing 21 million pro-life Democrats. The platform calls for…

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Pro-life Highlights from the RNC in Cleveland

What a tremendous blessing for the state of Ohio to welcome a Life-centered party to our shoreline this week! From…

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Pro-life in Cleveland: Why It Matters

The buzz this week in politics is the much anticipated Republican National Convention taking place right here in Ohio. Our…

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One Year Later: Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Parts

One year ago today, we caught a headline: Shock Video Catches Planned Parenthood’s Top Doctor Selling Body Parts of Aborted Babies…

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Never Never Never Hillary!

Late-term abortion. Partial-birth abortion. Taxpayer-funded abortions. These are the highlights of Hillary Clinton’s pro-abortion platform, a radical agenda that would…

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