Pro-life Day of Action – Saturday, June 25

Saturday, June 25, Ohio Right to Life and Susan B. Anthony List will be hosting our first-ever Pro-life Day of Action, a day to educate our neighbors on the value of pro-life laws and the importance of voting pro-life.

A Gallup Poll released recently shows that 47 percent of Americans believe abortion is immoral, and 43 percent believe it is morally acceptable. Furthermore, the poll demonstrated that pro-life voters are more likely to base their vote on this issue than pro-choice voters.

However, since 2009, the percentage of Americans who believe abortion is morally wrong has slipped several points from a high-point of 56 percent.

How can we fix this? How can we share the truth about abortion with our neighbors? How can we move the culture back to one that stands for human life in both our political persuasions and our personal lives?

Your opportunity to make a difference is Saturday, June 25! Pro-lifers of all ages are invited to join us in a door-knocking campaign that promotes dialogue on this all-time important issue. With the advanced strategy of our friends at Susan B. Anthony List, we will take a quick survey on how our neighbors see the pro-life issue. The campaign will last from 10 AM to 2 PM.

If you are interested in participating in a family-friendly activity that will actually move the needle on how Ohioans perceive the pro-life issue, this campaign is for you!

Will you RSVP and tell us you’re coming today?

Ohio Right to Life is looking for volunteers in each of the following cities to give their time to these door-to-door campaigns:

RSVP for Columbus Pro-life Day of Action
RSVP for Cleveland Pro-life Day of Action
RSVP for Cincinnati Pro-life Day of Action

Ohio Right to Life and Susan B. Anthony List are eager to make a difference with you this election! Tell us you’ll join at!


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Save A Life
