Who we are

Ohio Right to Life Mission

The mission of Ohio Right To Life is to promote and defend the God-given inalienable right to life and dignity of all human beings, from fertilization until natural death, without exception, and to build a culture that affirms the value of human life at every stage. 

Ohio Right to Life will accomplish its mission by:

  1. Using education and advocacy to encourage respect for human life and human dignity in the state of Ohio.
  2. Helping to eliminate such immoral practices as abortion and infanticide.
  3. Standing against all forms of euthanasia and assisted suicide.
  4. Educating the public about the dangers of embryo-destructive research and human cloning, and promoting life-affirming alternatives.
  5. Investigating new areas of biomedical technology, to evaluate ways in which they may promote or perhaps threaten human flourishing and human dignity.

Motto: A voice for the voiceless.

Ohio Right to Life, the state affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee, is a statewide, non-profit, non-sectarian educational organization. Through the peaceful and legal means of education, legislation, and political action, ORTL works to restore legal personhood to the unborn and to protect the lives of medically vulnerable persons, including infants, the elderly, the disabled, and those suffering from chronic or terminal illness.

We are working for an Ohio where every child is welcomed into the world and protected by law; where every pregnant mother receives the help she needs to face a problem pregnancy; and where every terminally ill person has access to decent pain relief and is protected from being killed by euthanasia and assisted suicide.

What Ohio Right to Life Does

  • Offer age-appropriate educational programs on fetal development, abortion, abortion alternatives, end-of-life issues, the pro-life movement, and current topics in bio-ethics to churches, schools, colleges, and community groups.
  • Provide pro-life educational materials such as books, videos, pamphlets, and articles for use at churches, schools, fairs, and other public forums.
  • Develop and maintain a grassroots network of Ohioans who advocate for life issues with their elected state and federal representatives.
  • Support appropriate legislation that helps protect the right to life of all innocent human beings.
  • Give life-saving information to women and families faced with a crisis pregnancy or those facing a terminal illness about where to go for help.
  • Assist students of all levels with research on pro-life issues.
  • Publish a quarterly/seasonal newsletter to educate ORTL membership about current pro-life initiatives.
  • Maintain a state-of-the-art website with up-to-date information on pro-life issues and perspectives.


Contact Mike at (614) 547-0099, ext. 301 or mgonidakis@ohiolife.org
Contact Deb at (614) 547-0099 ext. 305 or dlabarre@ohiolife.org


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