Life Blog

Democratic Debate Recap, Pro-Life Legislation Hearings

  Democratic Debate Highlights Radical Stance on Abortion  On Tuesday, twelve of the democratic candidates currently running for president convened…

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Democrats Should Face Tough Questions on Abortion

As presidential candidates converge on central Ohio for the next Democratic debate on October 15, Ohioans should make note of…

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Help Us Get to ZERO

Help us get to ZERO. Ohio Right to Life works tirelessly to advocate for laws that protect unborn life. We…

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Toledo Surgical Abortion Free; Abortion Pill Reversal First Hearing

Toledo Abortion Facility Surrenders Surgical License Today, Capitol Care Network of Toledo surrendered their ambulatory surgical facility license and will…

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Planned Parenthood: Abortion > Healthcare

This week, Planned Parenthood formally announced what we pro-lifers already knew about the abortion giant’s agenda: they would choose abortion above…

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One Pro-Life Action You Can Take TODAY

Dear Friend, Here’s one pro-life action step you can take today! The federal Department of Health and Human Services is considering…

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Ohio Legislature Passes Pro-Life Budget, Planned Parenthood Spirals

Ohio Legislature Passes Pro-Life Budget!  Last week, the Ohio Legislature approved and Governor Mike DeWine signed the state operating budget…

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Pregnancy Center Funding, Important Toledo City Council Update

Let Your Legislator Know You Support Life-Affirming Pregnancy Centers A few weeks ago, we informed you that the Senate added…

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This week at the Supreme Court…

Earlier this week, the U.S. Supreme Court weighed in on an important case regarding pro-life laws in Indiana. Justice Clarence…

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Ohio Right to Life leads the national discussion on LIFE, and meeting notices

Ohio Right to Life leads the national discussion on LIFE, and meeting notices It’s been a big month in pro-life…

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