Life Blog

Calling all volunteers! We’re going back to the Ohio State Fair!

This July, Ohio Right to Life is headed back to the Ohio State Fair for 12 days of pro-life education,…

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BREAKING: Abortions UP, prenatal care DOWN at Planned Parenthood

  Abortions rise as prenatal care diminishes at Planned Parenthood After several months of delay, Planned Parenthood finally released its 2015-2016…

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Horrific new Planned Parenthood video

This morning, new undercover footage from the Center for Medical Progress was released, showing abortionists from across the country discussing…

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Democrat lawmakers target pro-life free speech because it’s annoying

  Yesterday, pro-choice Democratic lawmakers introduced a bill in the Ohio House to criminalize free speech that they consider “annoying”…

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Planned Parenthood & Gloria Steinem in Columbus

Planned Parenthood & Gloria Steinem in Columbus Tomorrow night, Planned Parenthood will feature radical pro-abortion icon Gloria Steinem as its…

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The Democrats’ abortion purity test

Last week, a major fracture reappeared in the Democratic Party’s abortion politics.  Tom Perez, the Chairman of the Democratic National…

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Irony alert! Planned Parenthood sponsors March for Science

Tomorrow, the first-ever March for Science will take place in Washington D.C. and cities across the country. The March is…

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What we want this Tax Day

In 2017, we’ve already seen a huge turnaround in U.S. taxpayer funding of abortion: In January, President Trump signed an executive…

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Gorsuch sworn in!

  Judge Neil Gorsuch Sworn in as Supreme Court Justice Earlier today, Judge Neil Gorsuch was sworn in as the…

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Pro-life advocates promote pro-life laws at the Ohio Statehouse

It’s hard to believe, but over the last six years, 18 pro-life laws have been enacted in the state of…

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