Press Releases
Ohio Right to Life and Americans United for Life Join Forces in Ohio
ORTL Late-Term Abortion Ban Voted Out of the Senate
S.B. 72 progresses to the House FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Rachel Schlater DATE: Wednesday, April 6, 2011 …
ORTL Late-Term Abortion Ban Continues to Advance in the Senate
S.B. 72 moves onward to passage FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Rachel Schlater DATE: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 …
ORTL Late-Term Abortion Ban Advances in the House and Senate
Bill to save hundreds of unborn babies progresses through both chambers FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE …
ORTL Legislation Protects Parental Rights
Overwhelming majority of the Ohio House of Representatives votes in favor of ORTL bill FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT:Rachel Schlater DATE: Wednesday, March…
Governor Kasich continues to stand for life in Ohio
Two appointments made to the Board of Pharmacy FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE …
Bipartisan Committee Vote Sends Pro-Life Legislation to House Floor
Parental Consent Laws to be Safeguarded FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT:Rachel Schlater DATE: Friday, March 4, 2011 …
Ohio Right to Life Applauds Governor Kasich
JobsOhio signed into law today, will promote life in Ohio FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT:Rachel Schlater DATE: Friday, February 18, 2011 …
Pro-Life Legislators Introduce Legislation to Save Lives
Strong Pro-Life Agenda Pursued by Ohio Right to Life FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE …