Wendy Davis Fundraising with Ohio Democrats

Three summers ago, Wendy Davis rose to political infamy with her pink-tennis-shoe filibuster against Texas’ Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

Today, Davis came to Columbus to share her tragic and destructive message with the Ohio Democratic Party and their donors.

As you know, all this week, Ohio Right to Life has advocated strongly for the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act here in Ohio. With compassion, humility, urgency and a call to human dignity, we have made a thorough case for enacting this legislation in our state.

As we’ve made this case to the Ohio House of Representatives, Wendy Davis comes to town on a dying tidal wave of fame that once swelled on the backs of pain-capable babies. Following an abysmal, failed campaign for Governor in the state of Texas, Wendy Davis has returned to advancing the single, horrific issue she built her campaign on: Late-term abortions.

As the Ohio Democratic Party lifts up Davis as a role model, the pro-life community should be doing everything we can to contrast ourselves with an extremist movement that is insensitive to the pain of a fragile 20-week old child who has pain receptors present throughout her entire body.

How odd that just yesterday, Democratic Senators were advancing a bill that brings awareness to the physical pain experienced by tens of millions of Americans.

Quinnipiac University’s November 2014 poll demonstrates that 60 percent of Americans support the legislation. Women and millennials support the legislation by double-digits.

Rabid support for late-term abortions sunk Wendy Davis’ ticket in 2014, and should sink the ticket of any candidate who stands shoulder-to-shoulder with her agenda. 

Today, we urge you to sign Ohio Right to Life’s petition to pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. 

You can take your support one step further by making a contribution to our life-saving efforts in Columbus. As Election 2016 advances, pro-life Ohio needs the vigilance of Ohio’s longest-serving pro-life grassroots organization at the center of the action. 

Will you help us? Will you give?


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