Life Blog

Jacob Koehler, State Oratory Contest Winner, Places 2nd in National Contest

Jacob Koehler, State Oratory Contest Winner, Places 2nd in National Contest! This past weekend, our Ohio Right to Life oratory…

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Let’s Keep Ohio Pro-Life in November

Let’s Keep Ohio Pro-Life in November Did you hear? NARAL Pro-Choice America just launched a $5 million campaign to flip…

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Meet our Summer Intern: Stephen

This summer, Ohio Right to Life welcomes Stephen Richmann to our headquarters in Downtown Columbus! Stephen is a junior at…

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The Grace of Motherhood

Each year, we take a day to thank some of the hardest working, most dedicated, loving women the world has…

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Pro-Life Legislative Day 2018: Recap

Pro-Life Legislative Day 2018: A Huge Success Yesterday, Ohio Right to Life hosted our annual Pro-Life Legislative Day. Pro-lifers came…

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TOMORROW in CLEVELAND: Protest Planned Parenthood

Protest Planned Parenthood “Partners in Care” EventĀ  Right to Life of Northeast Ohio and other pro-life organizations in Cleveland are…

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Ohio Has Become One of the Most Pro-Life States in the Country

Did you see this article over the weekend? LiveAction declared Ohio one of the most pro-life states in the country!…

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Save the Date: Pro-Life Legislative Day 2018!

Our team is excited to announce that registration for our annual Pro-life Legislative Day is now OPEN! Click here to…

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Eugenics and the Washington Post

This weekend, the Washington Post reminded us all how out of touch they are with the majority of Americans. A…

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Elections Continue to Have Consequences

Last night, Sen. Sherrod Brown voted against a bill that would protect babies from the horrific violence of late-term abortions…

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