Life Blog

Action Alert: Senate Committee Approves Gorsuch

Great news! Just a little bit ago, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, 11-9. But…

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NEW undercover video of Planned Parenthood abortionist

This morning, the Center for Medical Progress released a new undercover video in which a Planned Parenthood abortionist describes how…

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Urgent Action: Call your Representative!

Today the U.S. House is expected to vote on H.R. 1628, the American Health Care Act of 2017–legislation which will eliminate…

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This morning: Gorsuch before the U.S. Senate

This morning, confirmation hearings began for President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch. Now, we are asking YOU to contact…

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Deadline approaching! Register now!

Every year, we are humbled and impressed by the pro-life advocates who join us to advocate for human life at…

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Important Information for Pregnancy Centers

Three important opportunities are on the horizon for pregnancy centers, and you don’t want to miss them! 1. Pro-life Legislative Day…

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Pain-Capable law takes effect in Ohio!

In December, Governor John Kasich signed Ohio Right to Life’s Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, protecting 20-week pain-capable babies from…

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A day without 30 million women

Today, March 8 is recognized by the UN as International Women’s Day. This year, the Women’s March has labeled this day…

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Support pro-life laws! Join us April 5!

Last week, registration opened for our annual Pro-life Legislative Day! Click here to register now! Already, pro-life Ohioans are signing up…

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Announcing Pro-life Legislative Day 2017!

Our team is excited to announce that registration for our annual Pro-life Legislative Day is now OPEN! Click here to…

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