Life Blog

GOP to defund Planned Parenthood!

Twenty-seventeen is already off to a promising start: A little bit ago, pro-life Speaker Paul Ryan told reporters at a…

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Life Reimagined: A Look Back at 2016

At Ohio Right to Life, we are constantly seeking new ways to reimagine the world we know: to innovate new…

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Striking at the heart of Roe

On January 22, 2017, our country will mark 44 years since the U.S. Supreme Court issued Roe v. Wade. But to…

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A Letter to Our Members

Dear Friends, By now you know that earlier this week, Governor Kasich made a momentous decision on two pieces of…

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Dinesh D’Souza on the Right to Life

At the end of October, you joined us for a phenomenal evening of faith, hope and life—An Evening with Dinesh…

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Give to Life this Giving Tuesday

Following Black Friday and Cyber Monday comes Giving Tuesday, a day devoted to kicking off the charitable season of Christmas.…

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Ohio legislature likely to pass 2 pro-life bills

Yesterday, The Columbus Dispatch reported, “Ohio legislature likely to pass 2 anti-abortion bills in lame-duck session.” While we are encouraged…

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Born at 22 weeks, Ohio baby defies odds

Yesterday, the Columbus Dispatch ran an eye-opening front-page story that could have broader political ramifications for the right to life…

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Hollywood is giving to Big Abortion, What can YOU do?

Last Tuesday was big. Pro-life America won the White House and held onto Congress. Pro-life Ohio not only maintained super…

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10 times Trump stood for Life

It’s hard to believe but the General Election is ONE WEEK from today! Over the next 7 days, we need…

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